SYNOQUIN – VetPlus 小型犬用 葡萄糖胺關節保健品 (90粒)


Synoquin EFA Small Breed Capsules is the leading dog joint care supplement (< 10 kg) that supports joint stiffness and promotes mobility.


Pill form



Synoquin EFA supplements contain Dexahan, a unique source of omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs). Omega 3 EFAs are an excellent supplement to add to your pet’s diet because they have many health benefits and are often used to help manage joints. Dexahan is a concentrated source of krill, a tiny crustacean with particularly great nutritional value! The EFA in krill oil is more easily digested and utilized by the body than EFA from other sources. They come from eco-friendly sources, are rich in antioxidants, and do not cause bad breath in your pet.

How to use

Initial Maintenance Plan – 2 weeks:
<> tablets daily in the morning and <> tablets in the evening

Maintenance Plan – Long Term:
All dogs respond differently to supplements. However, in general, the daily intake can usually be reduced to 1 tablet per day after the initial loading procedure

Product specifications

90 capsules (capsule or pill)

Pill form



每個 Synoquin 咀嚼片包含:
氨基葡萄糖鹽酸鹽 99% 225mg
硫酸軟骨素 95% 95mg
磷蝦 95mg
抗壞血酸 22mg
鋅 15mg



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